Fitness Lab Studio Rules

These Fitness Lab Studio Rules should be read together with the Fitness Lab Terms of Service which can be found here


  • 1.1. You agree that in using the Services you will not:
    • 1.1.1. partake in any behaviour that We deem inappropriate and disruptive, or against the tone and nature of the studio;
    • 1.1.2. harass, threaten, embarrass, or do anything else to another person that is unwanted, such as making personal attacks or statements about race, physical appearance, sexual orientation or religion;
    • 1.1.3. bring other people with you to our studios without our prior consent;
    • 1.1.4. arrive for your Personal Training Session under the influence of alcohol or drugs or otherwise not in a fit state to undertake physical activity;
    • 1.1.5. undertake physical activity with Us without updating your Personal Trainer about any injuries or changes in your health of which We are not aware;
    • 1.1.6. undertake physical activity at Our studio other than under the supervision of your Personal Trainer, whose instructions concerning such activity must be followed;
    • 1.1.7. use abusive, offensive, or defamatory language;
    • 1.1.8. engage or attempt to engage any of our staff to provide personal training or fitness services to you or others, other than at our studio and under the Terms of Service;
    • 1.1.9. dress inappropriately for the fitness studio environment when attending a Personal Training Session;
  • 1.2. Our studio opening hours are published from time to time and are available on the Fitness Lab website (


  • 2.1. You will not harass, threaten or embarrass or do anything else to your Personal Trainer that is unwanted, such as making personal attacks or statements about race, sexual orientation or religion.
  • 2.2. You will follow your Personal Trainer’s instructions during your Personal Training Sessions.
  • 2.3. You will not contact your Personal Trainer via SMS/WhatsApp during the hours of 9pm and 6am and will not spam your Personal Trainer or use your Personal Trainer’s contact details other than in relation to the Services.
  • 2.4. You will not share your Personal Trainer’s contact details with anyone else without your Personal Trainer’s consent.
  • 2.5. You may not take pictures or recordings of your Personal Training Sessions and your Personal Trainer without your Personal Trainer’s consent.


  • 3.1. Any breach or potential breach of any of the above rules of conduct shall be determined by Us at Our sole discretion.

These rules were last updated on 14th October 2023