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“If you trust the process, personal training will help you be the best version of yourself”

When Keith started personal training with Fitness Lab, he admits that he planned to learn what he could in a month or two, then take that program away and carry on working out at home.

Keith: “I didn’t think I needed PT long-term. I started training to lose weight and get in shape for my wedding – so the plan was to do the sessions for a few months, hit that goal, then maintain my fitness at home.

I had no idea quite how significantly my coach would help me – hence, I’m still working with Fitness Lab 4 years later!”

Life has changed significantly for Keith between starting his personal training journey and now. Since 2020, there are two new children in the house and Keith made a significant career move – not to mention the Covid-19 lockdowns that impacted everyone.

Keith: “Life’s changed a lot in the time I’ve been working with my trainer, but the connection I’ve made with my coach has been incredible mental support.

Even when I’ve slowed my training and put a little weight on, there’s never any judgment – just total understanding and help to get back to where I want to be. It’s been amazing to have such a constant positive presence”.

As is so often the case, time is at a premium for Keith – especially balancing a busy work life with busy Dad duties at home. We understand this completely – so we make every minute spent in the studio count.

Keith: “When I think about Fitness Lab from a time efficiency perspective, it’s just incredible.

When I was trying to work out by myself, I became aware that there’s a lot of unhelpful info out there. My coach makes everything hyper-personalised – so I can get more done in 30 minutes in the studio than I could with hours of self-directed exercise.

I’m very grateful I found Fitness Lab – it’s very different to how I thought personal training would be.”

Keith trains twice a week at Fitness Lab – sometimes opting for shorter, 30-minute sessions. We’re always happy to work around his schedule.

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