Visiting Senior Fellow


“Fitness Lab is the Dorchester of personal training studios”

As is often the case, Fitness Lab wasn’t the first personal training service Brittney had tried – and a lack of coaching experience elsewhere meant she came to us with a damaged shoulder she needed to work on.

Brittney: “I had a personal trainer in an open gym and it was a disaster. I was lifting a lot of weight but I tore my rotator cuff muscle. My trainer at Fitness Lab took me to pieces and put me back together again – this time focusing on technique.

Now, I’m back to those heavy weights and my posture is transformed – with no danger of injury.”

By Brittney’s own admission, personal training hasn’t always been plain sailing – but our commitment to making sure every plan and every session is completely personalised helped everyone stay on track.

Brittney: “When I was going through the menopause I was a jabbering wreck! I mean, even showing up to the studio in tears.

I didn’t realise what was happening – but my coach always checked in about how I was feeling, how I’d slept, and what I felt I could do. I’m absolutely certain the combination of exercise and support kept me sane.”

We hold ourselves to an extremely high standard with every aspect of our business – and, while it’s something that might not be as noticeable as the day-to-day personal training experience, we always make sure our studios feel world-class.

Brittney: “I’ve trained in each of Fitness Lab’s studios and they’re all equally fantastic. All the visuals and the feel is exactly the same wherever you train. The cleanliness is absolutely key too – everything looks and feels super professional.

It all helps me get my head in the zone really quickly and get the most from my sessions. At 57, I’m back to the same weight I was when I graduated college.”

Brittney trains twice a week at Fitness Lab and says she gets more out of her two sessions than she would with double that elsewhere – high praise from someone who likes her exercise challenges set high!

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